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2016-04-07 17:51:10

单县第五中2016学高三 四月模拟考试英 语 试 题

1.In what way does the woman’s sister go to university every day?
A:On foot.     B.By underground.     C.By bus.
2.What does the man mean?
A.He used to like boating very much.
B.He won’t go boating with the woman.
C.He thinks it is too cold outside today.
3.What will the woman probably do this afternoon?
A.Ask the man for help.
B.Go for a job interview.
C.Give the man some advice.
4.Why does the man want to know how to take care of babies?
A.He is going to be a brother.
B.He wants to be a baby sitter.
C.His wife is going to have a baby.
5.How does the man expect the woman’s experience?
A.Unusual.     B.Dull.     C.Exhausting.
6.What should the woman do when arriving on 112th Street?
A.Turn left and keep walking until she passes three lights.
B.Turn right and keep walking until she passes two lights.
C.Turn right and keep walking for about a mile.
7.Where is the supermarket?
A.At the end of 112th Street.
B.At the beginning of 56th Street.
C.Around the corner on 56th Street.
8.What size car does the man want?
A.A small car. B.A midsize car.     C.A large car.
9.How much will the man have to pay?
A.$160.     B.$200.     C.$240.
10.What is the man most probably?
A.A teacher.     B.A salesman.     C.A scientist.
11.What does the woman want the robot to do?
A.Talk with her.     B.Do her homework.     C.Do the housework.
12.What do we know about the robot from the conversation?
A.It is not for sale at the moment.
B.It can do a lot of dangerous work.
C.It doesn’t operate on batteries.
13.How does the woman look now?
A.Tired.     B.Upset.     C.Excited.
I4.What does the woman think of Linda?
A.Popular and lovely.
B.Intelligent and pretty.  
C.Hard-working and smart.
15.What’s the weather probably like now?
A.Cloudy.     B.Sunny.     C.Rainy.
16.What will the man probably do next?
A.Go to the library.
B.Go to the dormitory.
C.Go to the teaching building.
17.How many years has Mount Fuji slept for?
A.250.     B.300.     C.350.
18.What will travelers do in Brazil?
A.See mountain views at sunrise.
B.Visit the rain forests.
C.Look at some temples.
19.When will travelers go to see Niagara Falls?
A.In Week One.     B.In Week Two.     C.In Week Three.
20.Which country will travelers visit in Week Four?
A.The United States. B.Thailand.     C.Canada.
第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)
第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)
Our guide was excellent! He walked us through all the local villages and took extra time at the end to enjoy a local dinner. He stayed with us longer than he was obliged(迫使) to and made this a fantastic experience.
