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2014-05-20 22:23:23

happiness, they agreed. Up to now, he has become ∧ member of our family. Everyone
had enjoyed his company.
  Looking at the cute, happy dog today, I realize that I did the right thing. I just

offered him a shelter and he has brought ourselves great happiness and laughter. 
                  but                 us
书面表达:(满分25分)One possible version
   I am very happy to hear that you will give a lecture on Western Culture. Knowing that you’re asking for advice on my favorite topics related to it, I would like to share what I am interested in most.
   As we all know, western culture is quite different, especially the history of religion. Therefore, I wonder if you could tell us something about it to enrich our knowledge. What’s more, how to follow western table manners is also a good topic because some of us are going to study abroad after graduation. It is the proper behaviors at meals that can help us to get along well with foreigners.
   I am looking forward to your excellent lecture and I am willing to help if you want more information.
Text 1
M: I really like this table, Maria. The wood is beautiful and it looks like it will last a hundred years.
W: I agree with you, but I’m not sure we can afford it right now, Thomas.
Text 2
M: Did Henry plant all the trees himself?
W: He planned to, but he hurt his hand when he rode a bike. So I did instead of him.
Text 3
W: Trent, I’ve got something to tell you. I got fired today.
M: What? You just got promoted last week! How could they do this to you?
W: April Fool’s!
Text 4
W: You mistook the salt for sugar? I told you the salt was in the black container and the sugar was in the white one.
M: Yes, that was so silly of me. I forgot that you told me and I couldn’t tell the difference at the time. This coffee is terrible now.
Text 5
M: Mars moves slower than the earth.
W: Yes. A day on Mars is thirty-seven minutes longer than a day on the earth.
Text 6
M: Good morning, Native Tongue Translations. Can I help you?
W: Yes. I was wondering how much it would cost to translate a document from English into Arabic.
M: Well, it depends on the kind of document. How long it is and when you need it returned.
W: It’s a cookbook about 20,000 words long. It is not urgent, so you can take your time.
M: Well, Madam, Arabic is one of the most difficult languages in the world and there aren’t very many translators compared to, say, Spanish. In other words, the charge for Arabic translation will be higher than for most other languages.
W: I understand. Could you give me an estimate?
M: For this project, we will charge between five and ten cents per word.
W: Ok, thanks for your time. I think I’ll keep looking.
Text 7
M: Hello!
W: Hi, my name is Cathy Adams. I’m calling about the TV.
M: Oh, hi. So you saw my ad in the newspaper?
W: That’s right. My old TV just stopped working, so I think this might be great for both of us.
M: I hope so. It’s a fifty-inch Sony flat screen TV and it’s only six months old. I’m asking for 500 bucks, but I’d be willing to negotiate.
W: It sounds like a decent deal, but I would have to see it first, of course.
M: Absolutely! When can you come over to take a look at it?
W: How about 3 p.m. this afternoon?
M: Hum, I’ve got a meeting at 2 p.m. and it might run a little late. How does 4 p.m. sound?
W: Perfect! Just tell me your address.
Text 8
M: Hey, did you see China’s women’s volleyball team on television last night?
W: Yes, the game was so exciting. I usually watch basketball but that was great last night.
M: Definitely a good effort! If anything, I was disappointed that the other team didn’t put up much of the fight. They made a lot of bad mistakes and they always seem to be hitting the ball out of bounds.
W: I just enjoyed how China celebrated after every point they won. Volleyball seems so much more passionate compared with other sports.
M: Well, their victory means they will compete in the Olympics next year, which was their goal. I just hope they can pick up at least bronze medal.
W: Bronze? You mean gold, right?
M: Well, that would be great, but there are a couple of very strong teams that beat China in a recent competition.
W: I saw those matches. They were extremely close. China can beat them next year for sure!
M: We’ll see. I hope you are right, but you never know what will happen in sports.
W: Exactly, they might surprise you. Then what will you say?
M: Ha~Ha~, OK, let’s just wait and see.
Text 9
M: Ms. Robinson, for the past three weeks I’ve been getting complaints about your work.
W: Er, what do you mean? What kind of complaints?
M: Well, your supervisor told me your turning in your reports in two to three days late. You are often absent from staff meetings and you haven’t getting along with your colleagues.
W: Look, Mr. Travers. I can explain.
M: Ms. Robinson, I know you have been with us for a while now, but this business is changing fast. We need people who can keep up and work as a team.
W: Mr. Travers, my mother was just diagnosed with stomach cancer. I’ve been spending all my time outside of work at the hospital with her, and I even had to leave work early because she went into an emergency surgery and I had to sign some papers. I’ve been so exhausted and then Morison from counting made a joke the other day about cancer victims losing their hair and…
