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2013-10-28 07:15:54

分值:150分  时间:120分钟  命题人 :周光华 吴蓉蓉
第I卷( 115分)
1. Where are the two speakers?
A. In the classroom. B. At the post office. C. In the bank.
2. How is the man going to Beijing?
A. By air. B. By train. C. By sea.
3. What are the two speakers talking about?
A. Past experiences. B. Family members. C. Traveling.
4. What does the man say about the meeting?
A. It has been put off.
B. It has been cancelled.
C. It will be held in a different place.
5. What do we learn from the conversation about the woman?
A. She lacks confidence in herself.
B. She is not interested in computer programming.
C. She has never signed up for any competition before.

听第6段材料,回答第6 、7 小题。
6. What is the job?
A. To serve in a phone company.
B. To work for a newspaper.
C. To look after children.
7. How does the woman contact the company?
A. Through a newspaper.     B. Over the phone.   C. By a letter.
8. What determines the cost of posting the package?
A. The distance the package covers and the item it takes.
B. The contents in the package and its weight.
C. The kind of mail and the weight of the package.
9. How much does the man pay at last?
A. $18.25. B. $11.12. C. $12.11.

10. Why is the woman so eager to get to Stratford-on-Avon?
A. She wants to eat at a local pub.
B. She wants to visit the Bodleian Library.
C. She wants to see a play.
11. Which of the following will the woman have plenty of time to do?
A. Have dinner.    B. See some sights.    C. Visit Shakespeare’s home.
12. What does the woman think of touring by train?
   A. Inconvenient. B. Inexpensive. C. Slow.
听第9段材料,回答第13至16 题。
① Which is Martin’s favorite sport?
A. Football. B. Volleyball. C. Tennis.
14. Where does Martin play his favorite sport in summer?
   A. At local sports centers. B. In tournaments. C. On the beach.
15. How many people form a team for beach volleyball?
   A. Six. B. Four. C. Two.
16. How many teams has Martin played for?
   A. One. B. Two. C. Three.
17. What is the name of the course?
   A. Intercultural Commerce.
   B. Interaction in Communication.
   C. Intercultural Communication.
18. What time does the class meet?
   A. 3:05 p. m. to 4:15 p. m.
   B. 3:15 p. m. to 4: 50 p. m.
   C. 3: 50 p. m. to 4: 50 P. m.
19. On average, how often will the class meet in the research lab during the last part of the course?
   A. Once a month.       B. Twice a month.      C. Three times a month.
20. Which item was NOT mentioned as part of determining a student’s final grade in the class?
   A. Participation. B. A research project. C. Presence of the class.

第二部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)
第一节 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
21. People are living in ___ world where mouse clicks rule our life, so online searches have become _____ must.
A.the; /      B./; a      C.a; a      D.a; the
22.If Joe’s wife won’t go to the party,________.
A.he will either   B.neither will he   C.he neither will  D.either he will
23.Most of the roads were covered with thick snow, ____ made our journey more difficult.
A.one        B.it           C.which       D.that
24.Mary is really good at taking notes in class. She can       almost every word her teacher says.
   A. put out        B. put down          C. put away    D. put together
25.Jr.Parkinson stood up and left the room, ____ the door behind him.
A.closing     B.closed       C.close        D.to close
26.The film Let the Bullets Fly _____ a great success and brought in a large profit to the cinema.
A.was enjoyed   B.enjoyed C.is enjoyed    D.enjoys
27.Children are ____ to meet with setbacks as they grow up, so their parents don’t have to worry about it.
A.possible  B.due        C.necessary  D.bound
28.I feel so excited! At this time tomorrow morning I       to Shanghai.
A.  will be flying              B.  will fly       
C.  have been flying           D.  have flown
29.The film Gone with the Wind was shot in Atlanta, the US because the novel was _____ the American Civil War.
A.lied in     B.taken in  C.set in  D.put in
