高考网 > 高考资源 > 高考模拟试题 > 英语 >


2013-01-19 17:08:00

74.If you want to book the Ultimate Family Ticket online, you should pay ____.
A.£55.00 B.£48.50 C.£47.00 D.£37.60
75.The text is probably taken from ____.
A.a newspaper  B.a magazine   C.a geography bookD.a website


1.Please             (附)a recent photograph to your application form.
2.It’s amazing how closely the twins Brian and Steve r          each other.
3.She brought three children up single-handedly, often at great [personal          (牺牲).
4.The teacher’s death was m       by hundreds of former pupils and countless friends.
5.Federal law forbids             (歧视)on the basis of race, sex, or color.
6.Don’t be upset by what he said; he meant no            (冒犯).
7.Don’t wash that sweater in the machine – it’ll s              .
8.Route 101          (蜿蜒) along the coastline for several hundred miles.
9.Our English teacher give us helpful tips on how to improve your exam         (技巧).
10.The dentist has a very tight schedule, so please try to he p         for the appointment.
11.I don’t want to be a         (负担) to my children when I’m old.
12.Customers are advised to make           (预订) in advance.
13.The company has adopted a strict no – smoking           (政策).
14.In r          to local demand, we will be opening this store from nine till twelve.
15.Seeds of these plants are          (播种) in sand.
16.If you s         the bottles with tape, the jam will keep for months or even years.
17.The house has been in the family’s          (拥有) since the 1500s.
18.Asian pupils complained about racial p          at the school in some British schools.
19.He was an ambitious man, selfish and          (贪婪的).
20.a case of a child being        (虐待) at a kindergarten has raised a storm of online discussion.
    As long as you work hard, your parents will be content with       in the exam.
    Some cruel experiments on animals are being carried out        science.
   But for you help, I        the truth.
    They fully enjoyed themselves, totally                       .
                        Persuade people to buy the products.


