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2015-04-01 16:05:09

C. How to Learn Writing                D. More Reading, Less Speaking
When thinking about placing a human being in space, one of the most important questions  was how to design special clothing needed to protect a person from the dangers of the space environment. The cold of space will freeze skin in a short time. The fierce heat of the sun can cause severe burns. The lack of atmosphere can cause gases in the body to expand and even burst. With no oxygen to breathe, a human being will die in only a few moments. Radiation from the sun is another risk in space. So is damage from small pieces of rock and objects like meteoroids (陨石).
In 1933, an American flyer, Wiley Post, designed one of the first successful devices to protect a pilot at extreme heights. It was a large device that looked like a can surrounded the pilot's head. Astronauts in the American space agency (NASA) flew the first American space flights in the early 1960s. The clothing was similar to that invented by Wiley Post. 
  Today, astronauts wear very different protective clothing. It lets them move, do useful tasks, and stay outside their spacecraft in comfort and safety for several hours. The spacesuit is called the shuttle extravehicular mobility unit or EMU. It was designed to endure longer and to permit more movement than earlier spacesuits.
The EMU has a number of parts that an astronaut can link together by using only one hand, which makes it possible for each astronaut to select the parts that fit correctly.
Nowadays, NASA scientists are also considering the kind of spacesuits that would be needed for exploration on the planet Mars. Because of the gravity on Mars, spacesuits may have to be designed to be lighter than suits used in orbit or on the moon. The equipment may also have to protect astronauts from dust carried in the winds on Mars. And, they must be easy to repair and keep clean during a longer flight to and from the red planet.
59. Which of the following is NOT mentioned about the dangers of space environment?
A. Lack of oxygen.      
B. Fierce heat from the sun.                   
C. Gases in the body.     
D. Radiation from the sun.
60. Which of the following statements is true, according to this passage?
  A. Wiley Post designed the first protective clothing for astronauts.
  B. Astronauts wearing earlier spacesuits had some difficulty in moving, doing useful tasks and so on.
  C. EMU has many parts that can be linked together by using two hands.
  D. Special spacesuits have been used for exploration of the planet Mars.
61. The underlined word “endure” means _______.
  A. provide     B. move     C. live    D. last  
62. The best title of the passage might be ______.
A. Space exploration             
B. Astronauts’ flights
C. The Advantages of Spacesuits  
D. The Evolution of Spacesuits
In some urban centers, workholism is so common that people do not consider it unusual: they accept the lifestyle as normal. Government workers in Washington D. C., for example, frequently work sixty to seventy hours a week. They don’t do this because they have to; they do it because they want to.
Workholism can be a serious problem. Because true workaholics (工作狂) would rather work than do anything else, they probably don’t know how to relax.
Is workholism always dangerous? Perhaps not. There are, certainly, people who work well under stress. Some studies show that many workaholics have great energy and interest in life. Their work is so pleasurable that they are actually very happy. For most workaholics, work and entertainment keep them busy and creative.
Why do workaholics enjoy their jobs so much? There are several advantages to work. Of course, it provides people with paychecks, and this is important. But it offers more than financial security. It provides people with self-confidence; they have a feeling of satisfaction when they’ve produced a challenging piece of work and are able to say, “I made that.” Psychologists claim that work gives people an identity through participation in work, they get a sense of self and individualism. In addition, most jobs provide people with a socially acceptable way to meet others. Perhaps some people are compulsive about their work, but their addiction seems to be a safe-even an advantageous-one.

63. The passage indicates that workaholics ______.
A. just know work but nothing else
B. find their work provide them more satisfaction and self-confidence than how much they are paid
C. are willing to work hard for long hours without pay
D. has the work with more responsibility than others
64. One of the reasons that some people are not willing to quit their jobs even in their eighties and nineties is that ______.
A. they are in the need of financial security
B. they long for a sense of identity and being accomplished
C. they would rather work than be disturbed by domestic affairs
D. they may have health problems from sheer boresom
65. This passage is mainly about ______.
A. people who are absorbed in their work may enjoy movies, sports and other kinds of entertainment
B. workaholics are usually successful people, but their lives are in a mess
C. workholism can lead to serious problems but it can also create a joyful life
D. those who work even under difficult conditions may be very happy
66. It can be inferred from the passage that ______.
