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2017-04-26 10:22:20

If reading were to decline significantly, it would change the very nature of our species. If we, in the future, are no longer wired for our own reflection and creative thought, we will be weaker. However, technology throws up solutions as many as challenges: for every door it closes, another opens. So the ability, offered by equipments like e-readers, smart phones and tablets, to carry an entire library in your hand is an amazing opportunity. We should concentrate on the message, not worried about the medium.
We must also get better at controlling the ability of the internet to inform readers, and potential readers, about all the new books that are published every year, and to renew their acquaintance with the best of rich literary tradition. If we stop reading, we will be different people: less complex, less interesting. There can hardly be a better reason for fighting to protect the future of the book.
32. Why does deep reading make us more attentive to the inner lives of others?
A. Because we have varieties of resources of reading.
B. Because we are in a world of accelerating technology.
C. Because it will weaken the very nature of human beings.
D. Because an extraordinary book makes our outlook brighter.
33. According to the text, the author thinks.
A. reading on the internet is more important and convenient than books
B. we should focus on the means of gaining information rather than the content
C. with the help of the internet, people can access the best of rich literary tradition
D. the web is better at shaping emotional, imaginative and historical views than books
34. The underlined word “tablets” is closest toin meaning.
A- Pills B. pads C. forms D. desks
35. What is the author’s attitude towards reading?
A. Critical. B. Objective. C. Indifferent. D. Approving.
There is only so much time in the day. If you want to get more done, you really have two choices... Stay up late or get up early. Which are you ... an Early Bird or the Night Owl?
Productive birds of a feather
You have the same amount of time each day as everyone else. If you want to reach your goals and dreams you have to be willing to pay the price. 36, Sometimes it is your time. Sometimes it is money. And sometimes it is sleep. One of the best times to get ahead and be “in the zone” is when everyone else is sleeping. Get up early or stay up late. Those are your choices.
Early birds: working before others get up
“I am an early bird. I often get asked when I get my writing work done. 37 I usually get up at 4 am and work until the rest of the house wakes up. I find that working first thing in the morning gets my day going. Getting a head start on the rest of the world, just feels good.”
Many people use the excuse that they can’t get up early. Maybe they are night owls...
Night owls: working with the moon
Other people prefer to stay up long after the rest of the world has crashed out. 38 They may be more productive at midnight than they are at noon. Just make sure that if you stay up late, you are being productive.(Not watching mindless TV or endlessly surfing the Net.)
It doesn’t matter which productivity bird represents your work style. 40 It depends on your environment and energy levels. Do you have the drive to get up early or stay up late? While others are dreaming, make your dreams real.
Ask yourself, “What do you want more than a little extra sleep?”
Are you a night owl or an early bird?
A. They both can work.
B. They work by the moonlight.
C. Have a good sleep every day.
D. Work while others are sleeping
E. Early birds are better than night owls.
F. That sacrifice often involves giving up something.
G. The simplest answer is that I do it before everyone else gets up.
Using public toilets in China can often be a challenging undertaking, particularly for those not practiced in the art of sitting deep. 41 researchers in China have come up with a new 42 that they say can help 43 a poisonous problem bothering China's public toilets: the overpowering odor (恶臭).
Unlike chemical solutions, 44 are expensive and can 45 the environment, the new biotreatment is being thought as a cost-effective way of protecting the environment to 46 75 percent of the bad smell in bathrooms, according to researchers from the Chinese Academy of Sciences. The 47 behind the treatment lies in a special 48 of two types of bacteria---lactobacillius sp (乳杆菌类细菌) and streptococcus thermopiles (嗜热链球菌) --- as well as the elements of oranges. The prepared mixture, which comes in liquid or powder form, feeds on human waste when applied, thus 49 the growth of odor-making bacteria. However, not yet available in 50 the odor-killing technology is still undergoing 51. Many experiments with the solution are being 52 in the Huanglong Nature Preserve and Jiuzhaigou National Park.
We can see the technology is especially suited for use in the nonflushing (非冲水) toilets often found in these types of nature preserves, since water regulations in these areas are often very 53 and pipes are difficult to 54. Portable bathrooms, while 55, are relatively expensive to maintain compared with the biosolution.
This way 56 can see that not only are your 57 nice, but the toilets and the other facilities at the site are pleasant as well and the technology has other 58 as well, such as the treatment of rubbish, said the administrator of Jiuzhaigou National Park.
If 59 to its effectiveness prove true,the technology is likely to be 60 by the Chinese health authorities.
